Twitter is awfully addictive and I often wish I could get it out of my life. In short, I’m too candid on the site and using it to think out loud will probably one day get me cancelled.
However, there are lots of people who make it a fun, interesting and occasionally, even a pleasant place to engage with.
So here is my ultimate #FollowFriday list, in no particular order. These are the tweeters that I think make this site particularly worth hanging around with.
@sundersays — So thoughtful and fair-minded on sticky and contentious issues it almost makes me laugh. Purveyor of great threads.
@marlonsolomon — Not only comes across as a really lovely bloke but also produces consistently good takes. Always seems to attempt to read people’s behaviour in utmost good faith. A rare trait.
@MarkDJacks — An underrated take-merchant. I hope Mark is one day a councillor and continues to be unafraid to both stick his neck out, and have banter on this site.
@toubedavis — A consistently brave and informative tweeter, particularly on thorny issues. An expert in counter-extremism.
@jonburke — One of the few politicians to 1. Consistently speak their mind and 2. Be unafraid to argue back and defend their cause and record on this platform.
@mrmutantes — ‘Decent-bloke’ vibes off the charts with this one. Cracking music taste too, even if he bangs on about it a bit too much.
@post_liberal — Don’t always agree with him and he can be a bit hasty with the block button, but this one is frequently insightful. Has a unique perspective and shares a lot of interesting reports.
@LiamSD12 — Unafraid to challenge mainstream liberal orthodoxies and a really good follow, particular for counter-extremism policy and takes.
@tomowolade — Good well-reasoned takes, particular on debates around race in the 21st Century.
@mrianleslie — A journo and commentator seemingly obsessed with speaking straightforward sense.
@joshuagarfield — One of those lovely rarities, a councillor with a bit of personality on this site. I could’ve popped @tomcoply into this bracket too… before he moved to City Hall and reigned in his independent-minded takes.
@louise_m_perry — Always offers an interesting and thoughtful view on gender and sex issues from a fairly unique (in my circles anyway) perspective
@jillyrutter — nuanced and thoughtful reflections on migration and integration
@dmk1793 — Nerdy left-wing takes and info from someone who always seems to be fairminded
@kaithkahnharris — Every take is nuanced and thoughtful. Always reads people’s actions in utmost good faith. An expert on antisemitism
@tom_churchmoose — Far more lefty than me and he’ll hate to be included in this list, but I enjoy his takes and musings
@martin_mckee — honest and bullish on issues he cares about. Follow for environmental campaigning and Lewisham matters in particular
@chriscurtis94 — Someone who actually understands polling. Comes up with interesting takes based on actual evidence, a rarity.
@Samfr — Follow for intellectual and well-reasoned views on all manner of subjects. Frightfully intelligent.
@SpaJw — All round good forthright centrist Dad account
@ChristabelCoops — Another rarity as someone who actually understands polling. Good evidence-based takes.
@DavidTaylor85 — The Labour Party wasn’t lost with people like David in it. Expect decent foreign policy takes.
@Theobartram — Fascinating anecdotes and insights from someone who knows what it is like to be in the corridors of power
@matthewblott — Another account unafraid to speak frankly on contentious issues. Always has an interesting point of view even if I disagree.
@TomBlenkinsop — You can either be fallible and post good takes, or you stay silent on anything contentious and remain infallible. Luckily Tom does the former. Maybe a bit too chippy and confrontational for some, but I just find it a breath of fresh air to see an ex-politician tweet like a human being.
@dr_d_allington — Expert on extremism and fake news. Comes across as a nice guy doing important work.
@Dijdowell — The godfather for reasonable centrist takes. It is a shame that Douglas has taken a step back from Twitter but I understand why.
@Antbreach — The YIMBY godfather, his takes on housing and planning policy have been truly eye-opening. Ant isn’t afraid to debate but always remains courteous in a discussion. A rare trait.
@thhamilton — Expert of the rather pithy or wry comment but fundamentally reasonable and of sound politics. Gets lots of laughs.
@DavidDPaxton — Don’t always agree again but David always has an interesting (and funny) take in him. Like many of these people, he’s helped me see issues in a different light.
@PauloCanning — A profoundly decent and inspiring internationalist. The world needs more Paul’s.
@buffsoldier_96 — One of these most articulate voices on contemporary issues regarding race and society. Should be one to watch.
@jhallwood — Few people are as consistent, reasonable and warm as James. Unafraid to stand apart from the crowd, his views are always well thought through and reasoned.
@JT7062 — Probably more of a leftie than me and while we occasionally disagree, Jack is always fair, reasonable and humorous.
@Gsoh31 — Another one who has gone quiet because Twitter is a hellsite but he understands politics and Labour-politics inside out. A passionate tweeter.
@Twlldun — Consistently one of the funniest accounts on Twitter. Beyond the sass has very good politics too.
@StevenFielding — An absolute must follow if you’re interested in the Labour Party. The dude knows his stuff more than you.
@LukeAkehurst — Fights for what he believes in and never backs down. Takes a huge amount of abuse for it. A remarkable guy.
@BobfromBrockley — I look up to Bob a lot. A true left-wing internationalist. If the Left were like him the world would be a better place.
@yimbyChris & @anyamartin — Two of the most intelligent and high-profile (and occasionally combative) voices in the YIMBY movement. They’ve taught me a lot and they do invaluable work raising awareness for their cause.
@c8linwilkinson — For good and knowledgeable takes on the private rented sector
@thomasforth — Took me far too long to follow guy but his best bits were always retweeted onto my timeline anyway. If I was in Number 10, Tom would go straight into my policy unit. Expect insightful threads left, right and centre.
@antoniabance — For sensible trade union opinions and all-round decent politics
@RA_Sikdar — A good account for thoughtful and consistent left-wing takes. Rabbil knows his own mind and isn’t afraid to point out hypocrisies on the Left. A personable tweeter.
@DarrenJohnson66 — Proof that not all Green politicians are crackers. Darren produces no-nonsense leftie takes and often gives people the benefit of the doubt. He isn’t afraid to be brave and stand apart from curve as well.
@cllrMontgomery @katherinedunne @joanne13harding @EdDavie — Councillors who are actually unafraid to be raw, honest, and interesting on this site. Unlike 99% of councillors, they are worth a follow. Kudos also to colleagues @JamesArathbone and @octaviaLewisham, who are two local rare purveyors of straight-talking honest politics on this site.
There are plenty of MPs that are “good” at Twitter. @NeilDotObrien and @DrRosena spring to mind but I’d like to mention @CoyleNeil — He gets himself in trouble because he tweets like a human being in that he will let his anger and passion get the best of him occasionally. Sadly he is chastised and ridiculed for this.
Big hitter journalists. These are prominent liberal journalists and commentators who are not afraid to stick their neck out and say unpopular things*. *Unpopular in their bubble
@jessesingal — Who is on a constant crusade against hypocrisy and gets smeared because of. Despite all that, he blends sass and integrity well.
@DaveHill — I don’t always agree with him but he ‘gets’ London politics like nobody else. If you’re into local government in London, follow him.
@Yascha_Mounk — If you want to understand why the liberal-world is collapsing, this is a good place to start.
@jamesruk — Seems to know his stuff on a huge array of issues. Always has something interesting and insightful to say. Plus has nice cats.
@HelenLewis — One of the most intelligent and thoughtful journalists around. In a world of pithy hot-takes, she stands out for her reasoned and decent nature. I often wait for her opinions on leading cultural issues, as they’re always worth considering.
@youngvulgarian — It was a shame Marie was mostly hounded off this hellsite. I loved her Twitter craic and observations. She would also tackle contentious subjects in a reasonable and fairly nonpartisan manner — and got punished for it.
@SarahDitum — May occasionally cross the line (to me), but her bravery in speaking about uncomfortable issues is commendable. A much-needed voice.
@TomChivers — Nerd-General. A place for amazingly insightful evidence-based takes. Not afraid to go against the curve.
@KenanMalik — A must follow for anyone who shares my world view. An intellectual behemoth on contemporary cultural issues.
@JonnElledge — Frequently humorous, occasionally righteous. One of the best journalists when it comes to caring about YIMBY politics. His rage is nearly always justifiable.
@StephenBush — Simply the best and most insightful centre-Left Westminster commentator.
@j_bloodworth — One of the best thinkers on the Left. Also very human in the way he tweets and is happy to say the unpopular.
@cvaldary & @thomaschattwill — For being two of the most prominent black voices challenging some of the negative effects of current liberal thinking on race. Consistently brave.
A quick mention to @alexmassie and @nickcohen who are also not afraid to go ‘hang on a minute’ and challenge nonsense despite it making them unpopular. They might have the security of a large platform, but it still takes some guts.